Annual General Meeting

A warm and friendly gathering of members attended OOTA’s Annual General meeting on Saturday, 27 October, 2018 at the Fremantle Arts Centre.

Members were pleased to adopt outgoing President Julie Watts report on another successful year supporting and encouraging members and WA writers in their various writing activities.

Treasurer Leanne Searle reported that the association was financially healthy largely due to an increase in membership and enhanced fundraising.

Membership Coordinator Richard Regan reported an increase in membership from 92 in 2017 to 107 as of the date of the AGM.

Secretary Rita Tognini reported that due to changes in the legislation governing clubs and associations, there was a need to update our constitution. A motion to replace the current constitution with the Model Rules recommended by the Department (DMI&S) was unanimously accepted and, after ratification by the Department, the new Rules will be posted on our website.

Rita also conducted the elections for the new committee and the following were elected unopposed

2018-19 Committee:

Veronica Lake: President

Julie Watts: Vice President

Rita Tognini: Secretary

Leanne Searle: Treasurer

Richard Regan: Membership

Marlish Glorie: Ordinary Member

Jan Napier: Ordinary Member

Jenny Jones: Ordinary Member

Peter Burges: Ordinary member

Rose Van Son: Ordinary Member

A vote of thanks to Julie for all her hard work over her years as President was unanimously approved. Thanks were also voted for outgoing committee members Maureen Gibbons and Rae Hillhorst.